Friday, January 24, 2014

Through the Eyes of Millennials: Why They See the Workplace So Differently

In a recent USA Today article, the feature story was why so many companies are sponsoring “Bring Your Parents To Work Day” – something that was not even on the horizon a generation back! As seen through the eyes of Millennials, this seems natural as the relationship between these Gen Yers and their mostly Baby Boomer parents is close, connected and as their trusted advisors, the interest is mutual. Companies such as LinkedIn, Google and Johnson & Johnson know the value this brings, often times even to the bottom line.  “As the world gets more diverse, this is a way to link other cultures where involving parents is a way to show them honor,” says Ellen Ernst Kossek, a management professor at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.

Millennial's know that they will have many jobs, at many different companies. In a recent study by Deloitte, of the 2,422 Millennnials surveyed, 70% of the respondents want to launch their own organization. These tech savvy and well-connected generation know that their tours of duty will help them continue to build their resumes and portfolios. Company loyalty is something they heard their grandparents speak about – it does not apply to their world.

To continue effective recruitment as well as retention, Millennials are motivated by engaged activities, learning new things and being able to expand and contribute in many ways. As organizations reframe their thinking, that these less experienced employees need to “pay their dues”, your company many be missing some significant opportunities to tap into their talents and ideas. The world they have grown up in is about change, agility and being receptive to how new models and processes support the business of tomorrow.

One of the easiest and most efficient ways to see through Millennial eyes is to ask those that work in your company. They would be delighted to share their insights, perspectives and thoughts!

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